An Introduction To sTile

sTile is a freeware computer program that may be used to create background tiles for your webpages, thumbnails for your YouTube videos, or any project that would require a tile.


Before you buy a software program and install it on your PC, make sure your computer matches the system requirements. Make sure you backup all your files.


You can download sTile from:


Video Transcript:

Today I am going to introduce you all to a computer program named sTile. Just let me open sTile. You can see it’s version 3.0.

sTile is a computer program you can use to make website backgrounds, or you can use the images in your thumbnails, your youtube thumbnails, or you can use the image for just about any project you have.

Now to get started I am going to click GRADIENT. And we can see we have a nice web texture, you can use it as a web texture, or a thumbnail. Just click thum~ pardon me, just click COLOR here on the left pane and go to tint. And we can select our color here.

And how about we choose red. You can see there’s also distortions, you can use distortions to change the design of your web texture here, or your image; whatever you want to use it for.

Click the drop down, DISTORTIONS, and how about we try ASTROID There we go; isn’t that awesome. There’s several other distortions, let’s click EDIT, UNDO, and try another distortion, how about FISHEYE.

That’s neat. Now; there’s even the pen effect. You can draw on your texture. Let’s just change the color to show you all at you can change the color. Orange for the PEN COLOR. And I am going to go ahead and click the BRUSH COLOR as well. Click brush, and we will change that to orange as well.

Oh, I selected a slightly different shade, excuse me. Uh, there we go, that should be right. Yes, that’s it. uh… Yes of course that will do. !~laughter~

Ok, click OK; and now we’ll click PEN, and you can see PEN is selected at NORMAL, which is probably where it should be for most of you guys,

you probably all will prefer that; but you can get creative and select one for yourself. And let’s just draw on this now. You can see I am not much of an illustrator; I don’t have much drawing talent.

I will just squibble on this for ya; just to show you that you can do that as well. This is a freeware program; sTile is a freeware program. You can download it from a website named Harmware.Net, you can just go there. That’s Harmware.Net.

This is freeware currently. ah… It’s completely free of adds. It’s a dandy program; I really like it .I also make a lot of my YouTube thumbnails with it.
