“Chickadees hammer on seeds to open the shell to reach the nutritious nugget inside. This is unlike sparrows and grosbeaks that crack open seeds in their bill.
ML Video #447525; video recorded by Eric S. Liner; audio recorded by Matthew … Continue
“Chickadees hammer on seeds to open the shell to reach the nutritious nugget inside. This is unlike sparrows and grosbeaks that crack open seeds in their bill.
ML Video #447525; video recorded by Eric S. Liner; audio recorded by Matthew … Continue
“Africa’s elephants have just gotten a powerful new supporter –music legend, Billy Joel. Joel’s voice is heard in a series of new ads supporting the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) 96 Elephants campaign – so named for the number of … Continue
“Elephants — so different in form yet with an inner life that rivals our own. This short video tells the tale of a single elephant, but provides powerful testimony to the experience of the species as a whole at … Continue