An Elephant’s Tale: The Matriarch | WCS

“Elephants — so different in form yet with an inner life that rivals our own. This short video tells the tale of a single elephant, but provides powerful testimony to the experience of the species as a whole at this crucial moment in their existence. Together, we must not be generation that lets elephants disappear.

An Elephant’s Tale: The Matriarch
Produced and written by Natalie Cash
Shot and edited by Jeff Morey
Narrated by Dr. Nyawira Muthiga
Original music and sound design by Brian Aumueller/Mekanical
Color editing by Josh Kanuck
Still image by Julie Larsen Maher
Narration recorded by Eric Musyoka/Decimal Studios

Additional footage provided by Paul Elkan, J. Michael Fay, Cristián Samper, Andrea Turkalo, Kevin Bachar/Pangolin Pictures and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

Special Thanks to Margaret Kinnaird and Sandy Odour, Mpala Research Centre”
