Lion Prides Pack A Predatory Punch | Attack And Defend 101

This YouTube video was produced by Love Nature.

In the African savannahs, survival means constant competition and adaptation. Lions, the continent’s largest predators, rely on lionesses to hunt in teams called prides, bringing down large prey. Once the kill is made, the males protect it from scavengers like hyenas and vultures. Hyenas, often underestimated, are formidable hunters with one of the strongest bites, able to crush bones and kill up to 95% of their prey. Cheetahs, built for speed, use their lightning-fast bursts to chase antelopes but must catch their prey within 10 seconds to avoid exhaustion. African Painted Dogs, the most successful hunters, rely on teamwork and advanced communication to ambush and hunt their prey. These apex predators rule their environments through strength, strategy, and cooperation, proving that size and speed aren’t the only keys to survival.

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