Nankeen Night Heron / Bird Watching in My Backyard

Youtube video by Dee W
“Nankeen Night Heron…Adult and Juvenile…This is my first footage with my new camera. The Nikon Coolpix P900 83x so please bear with me while I learn how to use it. Thank you…
For the past few years I have had one heron visit every year then, last year he brought a mate and this year they have a young one. Breeding season is from September to April and during this time both birds get 3 nuptial plumes on the back of their neck. You can see in the video the adult has 1 left. From the laying of the egg to fledgling is approx..71 days. 22 days incubation, 49 days to fledgling. I will have to keep my eyes out next year for a nest.” ————————————————————————————————————————-
