Meet The Artist :: Omar

Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo

Omar is a nine year old Bengal tiger. Omar’s enrichment painting session was also a Keeper Chat where visitors got to watch Omar paint while learning about his incredible species.

It’s hard to believe that a big, exotic-looking tiger could actually be known as “a sweet, scaredy-cat always watchin’ out for the boogeyman” but that’s how Omar’s keepers describe him. In the wild, Bengals are solitary animals spending much of their time hunting for food, mating, protecting their territorial range, then sleeping (sometimes 18-20 hours per day). But in a safe haven with food, water and enrichment, they truly get to indulge in a big cat’s favorite pastime – napping.

Omar is very playful and has a variety of toys and enrichment items: giant boomer balls and tires, big fresh herb bags (like big kitty catnip), seasonal treats including fresh pumpkins, recycled Christmas trees to climb and water misters to run through and stay cool. While Omar doesn’t look like your everyday Bengal, we are delighted he’s a part of our zoo family…and is such a talented artist.

Get your Animal Art Safari tickets at and make plans to join us on Saturday, October 27 where you can bid on this and other resident created paintings.
