Houston Zoo: See them. Save them.

Houston Zoo
The Houston Zoo is a well-loved destination. It’s a favorite spot for families to gather, for loved ones to spend time together, and for kids to explore nature. The Houston Zoo is a place to see and connect with animals. And it’s more.

When you visit the Houston Zoo, you’re doing more than seeing your favorite animals. You’re supporting actions that save wildlife. Elephants in Borneo, giant anteaters in Brazil, tortoises on the Galapagos Islands, and the Houston toad here in Texas; all of these animals, and the others you see, are helped in the wild because you visit them at the Houston Zoo.

The Houston Zoo works with more than 45 partners around the world who are protecting endangered species. We provide essential resources and training for our wildlife-saving partners worldwide. For example, veterinarians in Africa, who deliver life-saving medical support for wild gorillas, visit the Houston Zoo for extensive training with our veterinary team. You make this, and so many other critical actions, possible by visiting the gorillas and the other animals at the Houston Zoo.

You can take action beyond a Zoo visit and help save animals even more. For example, choose a reusable bottle instead of a plastic bottle to help save sea turtles in Galveston. Go a step further and swap out a canvas bag for single-use plastic bags, and skip the plastic drink straws. Plastic winds up in our oceans, where sea turtles and other marine life mistake them for food.

The next time you visit the Houston Zoo, whether you’re here to see your longtime favorite animal or a new baby like elephant Tilly, know that every time you see animals at the Houston Zoo, you help save animals in the wild. Together, the Houston Zoo and you are saving animals.
