When it comes to conserving birds across the Americas, Every Acre Counts.
American Bird Conservancy has conserved millions of acres of habitat for birds like the Swainson’s Thrush, Golden-Winged Warbler, and the rare Cundinamarca Antpitta over the past 30 years. But there is much more to be done: Habitat loss is the most urgent threat facing wild birds today.
Habitat conservation is essential for bird conservation — and the good news is, you can help, whether it’s working in your own neighborhood or supporting establishment of a reserve that spans thousands of acres.
Join ABC on November 19th to explore how we’re conserving land for birds, from one acre to 10,000 — and how you can, too. You’ll learn ways to minimize pesticide use in backyards and about how ABC is helping to do the same on agricultural land. Looking farther afield, you’ll find out how ABC is improving critical bird habitat with landowners and public land managers in the Great Lakes, and our efforts to establish reserves with partners in Bolivia that benefit Endangered resident birds, such as the Red-Fronted Macaw and Palkachupa Cotinga.
You’ll discover how every bird-friendly action, whether big or small, can make an impact on the habitat birds need to thrive. Join us and get inspired to take bold action for birds!
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American Bird Conservancy stands up for birds across the Americas. We halt bird extinctions, conserve vital habitats, eliminate key threats, and build the capacity of our partners.
American Bird Conservancy