The AK-47, or Avtomat Kalashnikov as it is officially known is a gas-operated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. This firearm was designed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov.
The Russian born Kalashnikov was a Soviet and Russian lieutenant general who also designed small weapons. Kalashnikov began designing the AK-47 in 1945, and finished in 1947, hence the name AK-47. Kalashnikov’s team of engineers had access to the American M1 and the German StG 44; the AK-47 is a combination of both of those weapons. Official military trials of this weapon began in 1947, and by 1948 the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service for selected units of the Soviet Army. The AK-47 was officially accepted by The Soviet Armed Forces in 1949.
Using an AK-47
When a soldier has to operate an AK-47 he has to insert a loaded magazine, pull back and release the charging handle, and then pull the trigger. The AK-47 can be configured to two shooting modes; semi-automatic, and fully automatic. In semi-automatic mode, the gun shoots only once, requiring the trigger to be released and depressed again for the next shot. in fully automatic, the firearm continues to shoot automatically cycling fresh rounds into the chamber until the magazine is exhausted or pressure is released from the trigger. The AK-47 can fire 600 rounds per minute in fully automatic mode.
The AK-47 comes with a bayonet that can be attach to the firearm. The bayonet is a 387 mm (15.2 in) long 6H3 kmfe that features a 200 mm (7.9 in) long spear point blade. To attach the bayonet to the gun you would place the 7.7 mm (0.70 in) diameter muzzle ring around the muzzle and latch the handle down on the bayonet lug under the front sight base.
The he Kalashnikov grenade launcher that fires standard RGD-5 Soviet hand-grenades can be attached to an AK-47. The maximum effective range is approximately 150 meters. Tear gas and riot control grenades can alos be fired with the grenade launcher.
Modernized (7.62×39mm)
There are modernized variants of the AK-47, these include:
- AKM;. The AK-47 is a simplified, lighter version of the AK-47.
- AKM; The AKMS is a Under-folding stock version of the AKM intended for airborne troops.
- AKMN (AKMSN); Night scope rail.
- AKML (AKMSL); Slotted flash suppressor and night scope rail.
- RPK; Hand-held machine gun version with longer barrel and bipod. The variants—RPKS, RPKN (RPKSN), RPKL (RPKSL)—mirror AKM variants. The “S” variants have a side-folding wooden stock.
The AK-47 is still used by troops in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The U.S.A. does not supply its troops with AK-47s, but they are trained to use them.
Black Market
The AK-47 is a desired weapon by revolutionaries, terrorists, and criminals throughout the world; particulary in Somalia, Rwanda, Mozambique, Congo and Tanzania.
Popular Culture
The AK-47 is a weapon used in the Call of Duty video game.