River Otters with Snow

Brookfield Zoo
Yesterday, January 22, several animals received special winter treats. Animal care staff bought some of the outside in for Ben and Charlotte, the zoo’s North American river otters. The two seemed enjoy thoroughly the several large buckets of snow that they received.

The reindeer and bison rubbed their antlers and horns, respectively, against fir-scented trees. Ron, the zoo’s large male bison could be seen flipping the trees into the air. The polar bears, Hudson and Nan, received trees decorated with various food items, including fish, meat, and vegetables. Even the giraffes—Jasari, Potoka, and Arnieta—enjoyed the seasonal treat. Animal care staff hung a tree upside down about 15 feet high in the giraffes’ indoor habitat.

Stay tuned all week to see video of all the other animals receiving their special winter enrichment!
