Introducing Magellanic Penguin Chick Nia

Shedd Aquarium
The Magellanic penguin chick nicknamed “Megatron” by her caregivers because of her rapid growth now has a real name, chosen by the entire Shedd staff and the volunteers. Meet Nia (NEE-ah)!

Shedd welcomed the chick—the first Magellanic successfully bred at Shedd—on the day before Mother’s Day. Weighing less than 4 ounces at hatching, she was small enough to fit perfectly into a caregiver’s cupped hands. But on a nutritious slurry of fish regurgitated by her parents into her gaping beak, the chick gained weight rapidly, a healthy milestone in her early development.

Be sure to stop by for a visit and start making your own memories as Nia settles into Polar Play Zone!
