Bella the Orangutan Undergoes a Dental Procedure

Zoo Miami

“Bella,” a 5 year-old Bornean Orangutan, underwent a dental procedure at Zoo Miami this week to treat an infection in her lower jaw. The infection was associated with a permanent tooth that was growing under a baby tooth. Unfortunately, the permanent tooth had suffered damage that prevented it from growing and had to be removed. The procedure was performed by Dr. Randy Groh and Dr. Adrian Correa who along with their team at Dental Leaders from Coral Gables generously donated their services.

Because the dentition of Orangutans is so similar to that of humans, these highly respected human dentists were able to apply their knowledge and experience in their successful treatment of Bella. The infection was cleaned and treated with antibiotics and the incision that was made to remove the damaged tooth was neatly sutured. Bella was then returned to her habitat and is expected to make a full recovery.

Orangutans are the largest tree-dwelling mammals in the world with males often weighing over 200 pounds and having an arm span of close to 8 feet. The name “Orangutan” translates to “man of the forest” and they are found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra in Indonesia where they are critically endangered due to poaching and deforestation for palm oil plantations.
