California Condor Hops Around Nest Cavity – Aug. 20, 2018

Watch condor chick #923 hop energetically around the Hutton’s Bowl nest cavity this morning. That feeding from dad last night seems to have put some extra pep in the young bird’s step.

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The California Condor cam is a collaboration between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Santa Barbara Zoo, the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Thanks for watching!


About the Nest
This condor nest, known as the Hutton’s Bowl nest, is located near Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge in Southern California. The parents of the chick in the Hutton’s Bowl nest are mom #289 and dad #374. Both parents were hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo. Dad #374 hatched in 2005 and mom #289 hatched in 2002. This is their first nesting attempt together but both parents have had previous mates. When the nestling is four months old, it will receive a handmade wing tag with its studbook number, #923.
